In the heart of Hackettstown, New Jersey, a dazzling spectacle unfolds every holiday season. Allison Alerine and Randy Butler, the creative minds behind the enchanting display known as “Mission Holiday Lights,” transform their home into a mesmerizing wonderland that captures the spirit of Christmas. From the inspiration that kindled their passion to the challenges they’ve faced and the moments of sheer joy, this article takes you on a journey through this award-winning display of New Jersey Christmas lights.
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Allison and Randy’s journey into the world of holiday decorating began in 2007 with a simple spark – YouTube videos from Light-o-rama users. This spark exploded into a mesmerizing world of synchronized lights and captivating displays where they found themselves captivated by the idea of creating their own magical scene.
Named after their street, Mission Holiday Lights has become a labor of love. With a backdrop of 265 Mission RD Hackettstown, NJ 07840, this display is a testament to creativity, dedication, and the joy of spreading holiday cheer. The couple’s inspiration comes from a mix of sources: they started on the “do it yourself Christmas” and Halloween forums, scoured YouTube for ideas, and participated in the Epic Facebook group and face-to-face seminars.
Mission Holiday Lights comes to life through the collaboration of two individuals – Allison and Randy. As a dynamic duo, they handle everything from planning to setup, and more than 40,000 Christmas lights illuminate their creation. The real magic lies in their mostly custom-made decorations that make Mission Holiday Lights truly unique compared to other light displays in New Jersey.
As a testament to their admiration for fellow creators, Allison and Randy express their love for “Dano’s Lights” in Monroe Township, NJ. This display, like their own, showcases the power of community and the magic of Christmas lights to bring people together.
Among the many elements of their display, Allison’s favorite is their pixel matrix. This dynamic feature allows her to infuse her own designs using the xLights program. The pixel matrix is a canvas of endless possibilities, where lights dance to create stunning visuals that captivate the hearts of all who gaze upon them.
While the end result is awe-inspiring, the journey isn’t without its challenges. Perched on a mountain in New Jersey, weather and strong winds occasionally test their dedication. However, the most rewarding moments aren’t winning awards, and they’ve won many. For example, Mission Holiday Lights has been a Tacky Award winner from the Tacky Light Tour almost every year since 2010. Instead, Allison and Randy are rewarded by witnessing the joy in the eyes of their visitors. Children’s laughter and the gleam of delight in their eyes make all the hard work worthwhile, which is certainly worth the extra $100 per month Allison and Randy spend on electricity.
For Allison and Randy, Mission Holiday Lights isn’t just about lights and decorations; it’s about spreading happiness and creating memories. Their dedication to entertaining and delighting their visitors is evident in every painstakingly placed light and meticulously designed scene. The joy they bring to others is a gift that keeps on giving.
Looking ahead, Mission Holiday Lights isn’t slowing down. The couple’s dedication to adding new elements each year ensures that their display remains fresh and exciting. Although they faced health challenges, their commitment to the magic of the holiday season prevails, and the wonderland continues to grow.
Mission Holiday Lights embodies the true spirit of the holiday season. From its humble beginnings inspired by YouTube videos to the radiant wonderland that now graces Hackettstown, New Jersey, Allison and Randy’s display stands as a testament to the joy of giving, the power of creativity, and the magic that unfolds when lights dance in the night. In the glow of Mission Holiday Lights, the hearts of those who visit are illuminated with the warmth of the season.
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