Christmas Lighting Glossary

Spill Light

Spill light is a commonly used term in the lighting industry that refers to any light that escapes from luminaries…

2 years ago

Recessed Downlight

A recessed downlight, also known as a can light or potlight, is a type of lighting fixture that is designed…

2 years ago

Rated Average Life

The rated average life of a lighting source is an important measure that designates how long a light source is…

2 years ago

Spacing Criterion

The spacing criterion, also known as the luminance uniformity criteria, is an important factor in lighting design. It is used…

2 years ago

Quick Connector

Quick connectors are an essential component of many lighting applications, especially those that require frequent movement and setup, because they…

2 years ago

Polyethylene (PE) Christmas Tree

A Polyethylene (PE) artificial Christmas tree is a type of synthetic tree that is made to look like the traditional…

2 years ago


Solid State Lighting (SSL) is a technology that relies on LED devices to produce light, as opposed to traditional lighting…

2 years ago


Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic material commonly used in lighting applications due to its high impact strength and light transmission properties.…

2 years ago


A socket is an electrical fixture that a lamp or light source can be connected to. Simply put, a socket…

2 years ago


Photometry is a branch of optics and lighting science that deals with the measurement of light intensity and other characteristics.…

2 years ago